Gardening Inspiration

Thinking Spring

I know, its August.  There’s two seasons yet to go before we get to spring, 2012.  The bulb catalogues on my coffee table, however, are reminding me to get going or get left out.

You have to be a bit farsighted if you’re a gardener.  In the midst of burned-up plants, hot, and humid weather, you have to force yourself to dream.  Of tulips, daffodils, crocus, trout lilies, and all the other delights that come after a long winter.  

Around this time each year, I start thinking about what I want my gardens to look like the following spring.  In my part of the country, which gets plenty of snow during the dark days of winter, nothing, I repeat, nothing, compares to the beauty of spring flowers.

Although I get flooded with bulb catalogues, I generally use just two, Whiteflower Farm and Van Engelen.  They offer top quality, sure to wow, bulbs.  You can’t go wrong.

So, this weekend, as you’re sitting on your patio or inside enjoying the air conditioning, take a look at your yard and dream.  What’s your favorite color?  I’m sure there’s a bulb to match.

I try and plant bulbs that are easily seen from inside my house, so I can look out, warm and cozy, and see those blooms.  They remind me of longer days, warmer weather, and the hope that comes from another winter season drawing to a close.

If you don’t like to shop on-line, I’m sure there will be a wide selection of bulbs in your local community somewhere.  Pick up a little bag or two.  Throw them into the ground, and forget about them.  One early spring day, as you see their blooms, you’ll be glad you were thinking spring way back in the dog days of summer.

By seedthrower1

I'm passionate about helping people realize that God wants to make something new of them and bring about a permanent transformation in their lives: body, mind, and spirit.

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